About Me

Noer Iman

Noer Iman memiliki total pengalaman 24+ tahun dalam bidang manajemen profesional dan pemasaran (15 tahun di sebuah perusahaan FMCG – Fast Moving Consumer Goods – multinasional terkenal berlokasi di Indonesia – dengan beragam posisi dari R&D hingga Production, 5 tahun sebegai Affiliate Marketer, dan 4 tahun terakhir aktif menjalani karir sebagai Direktur Senior di sebuah perusahaan customer service global yang membawahi area Asia Pacific dan Europa/Africa) yang membawahi beberapa Direktur, belasan Manager, dan puluhan supervisor level leaders dengan total anggota team berjumlah 250+ orang). 

 Ia telah mengantungi 60+ jam ICF training dan telah mempraktekkan sesi-sesi coaching sebanyak 110+ jam  sebagai seorang professional coach. 

Ia memiliki passion untuk membuka wawasan individu-individu, menjadikan mereka lebih mengenal diri lebih baik untuk terus bertumbuh (growth) serta meningkatkan kinerja (performance), self content (kepuasan pencapaian) serta meraih kebahagiaan (happiness) dalam berkontribusi dalam perusahaan atau dalam wirausaha. 


Noer Iman has over 24+ years of extensive experience of professional management and marketing. With a background encompassing 15 years at a renowned multinational FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) company based in Indonesia, he has held diverse positions ranging from R&D to Production. Additionally, he spent 5 years as an Affiliate Marketer and the past 4 years serving as a Senior Director at a global customer service company, overseeing the Asia Pacific and Europe/Africa regions. Under his leadership, he has several Directors, numerous Managers, and scores of supervisor-level leaders, totaling over 250 team members.

Having accumulated over 60 hours of ICF training, Noer Iman has also devoted 110+ hours to conducting coaching sessions as a seasoned professional coach.

His true passion lies in broadening the horizons of individuals, enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and fostering continuous growth. Noer Iman’s aim is to enhance performance, achieve a sense of self-contentment in their accomplishments, and attain happiness through their contributions to companies or entrepreneurship.

Coaching Hours

As A Professional Coach

Training Hours

ICF Workshop


of Professional Experience


Coaching Certifications

The Story

Workshop participants at Hijrah Coach (HC) 2021-2022

The Mission

Inspiring and empowering self, the families and the professionals in the world to contribute further to the society

The Credential


An ICF-ACC Candidate

The Certifications:

Agile Certified HC ACHC (ACC-ICP)

Certified Business HC (CBHC)

 Certified Hijrah Mind Practitioner (CHMP)

 Professional Business HC (PBHC)

Certified Business Hijrah Framework (CBHF)

Professional Coaching Certifications

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Program sertifikasi di Hijrah Coach didedikasikan untuk Anda menjadi coach bersertifikasi dengan standar kompetensi dari International Coaching Federation (ICF) secara praktis dan terukur.

Para lulusan sertifikasi akan mendapatkan titel, memiliki kesempatan untuk berkiprah sebagai professional coach.

Bersama Hijrah Coach saya telah dipercaya untuk membantu transformasi bisnis dan manajemen beberapa korporasi dan BUMN serta pemilik bisnis lainnya. 

Hijrah Coach mendukung Anda secara penuh untuk mencapai visi: membangun bisnis hingga sukses, menjadi leader yang memberdayakan, serta mampu membangun pengaruh bagi masyarakat.

Saya mendapati bahwa Hijrah Coach menyediakan platform Learning & Bisnis: tempat yang tepat bagi calon coach yang serius mengembangkan kemampuan coachingnya. 

Bersama dengan itu, alhamdulillah, saya adalah salah seorang dari 1,000+ graduates/lulusan, 120+ Associate Business Coach (ABC) di Hijrah Coach, yang tersebar di empat negara yaitu Indonesia, Hongkong, Qatar dan Australia.

Everyone can be a Professional Coach and successful entrepreneur at the same time.

Mari bergabung dan mulai perjalanan pengembangan kompetensi Anda bersama HIjrah Coach!


The certification program at Hijrah Coach is dedicated to equipping you with practical and measurable coaching skills that meet the competency standards of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

As a certified graduate, you will earn a prestigious title and have the opportunity to thrive as a professional coach at Hijrah Coach. 

Hijrah Coach has been entrusted with facilitating the business and management transformation of several corporations, state-owned enterprises (BUMN), and other business owners.

At Hijrah Coach, we wholeheartedly support you in achieving your vision: building a successful business, becoming an empowering leader, and making a positive impact on society.

I’ve discovered that Hijrah Coach provides a Learning & Business platform—a perfect space for aspiring coaches who are serious about developing their coaching competencies.

Alhamdulillah, I am proud to be one of the 1,000+ graduates, including 120+ Associate Business Coaches (ABC) at Hijrah Coach. Our community spans four countries: Indonesia, Hong Kong, Qatar, and Australia.

Everyone can be a Professional Coach and a successful coach.

Join us now and embark on your coaching journey with Hijrah Coach!


Course Accreditations

Be a Professional Coach

Help grow yourself, the team, your business and the society, to be better everyday.

Ask @ WhatsApp

noer iman

Associate Business Coach
& Coaching School Partner